Friday, December 20, 2013


Well good evening lovelys! I'm going to talk about singing again tonight, so if you have a phobia of reading about singing then you might as well stop reading now. I am in French 1 and today my teacher decided that we are so good at speaking French, which let's be honest we're not, that we should go around the school caroling(in French). Most of the songs I could only sing one line but I owned Jingle bells. I tried to convince her to let us sing that one in every class we went to because the other songs were kind of depressing. But I realized when I was belting jingle bells in one of the classes that all my other caroling peers were just as depressing as the sophomore boys in the choir concert. And I'm just as bad at pronouncing the words as them but I just tell myself that that I have an attractive accent. So my friends keep on the positive side of depressing events in your life like when nobody yells a song with you, or if your family members are rude to you, especially your siblings, specifically if they call you a rude name (not like this happened to me pfffft....). Oh yeah and my mom? Well I believe she's still alive and kicking it. You go glen cocos.


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